Luna and Noche Barred Owls 2018


Luna and Noche Barred Owls 2018 — 57 Comments

  1. Work in progress, a happy ending came and went for the owls and owlets… taking me some time to get things in date order.

  2. Owlet was plucking feathers on prey, then went for even larger prey!
    An amazing day in the nest box.

  3. Adding on 5/11.

    Many wonderful things have happened, a lot to catch up on here.
    Owlet is scratching to get out as I type. They each easily hop across the box.

    Beautiful owlets!

  4. Luna pulled a mouse out from under and moved it to the pile. Still plenty to eat.

  5. Enjoying their day, a lot of food and rest.

    Luna keeps them tucked under most times. It is getting easier for them to escape from under as their eyes open and they can scoot around just a tiny bit now, enough to get out for a while.

  6. The two are sitting upright more now, still leaning into the other. Too cute.