Visitor’s Pictures

These pictures were provided by visitors to this website. Let us know if you have vulture pictures you would like to share. Leave a comment on the “Live Video” page and we will get back to you by email.

2012-03-31 DFW Adult and Chick (IMGP1312)

The above adult and chick were photographed in 2012 by Chris of DFW Urban Wildlife ( The vultures below, both black and turkey, were photographed by Lynn in her northern Delaware backyard.

Black vulture adult feeding young (2012-11-06_11.21.09_DSC_0325)

Black vulture (2012-11-08_09.56.43_DSC_0360)

Turkey Vulture (DSC_0147)

Vultures on rooftop (DSC_4429_2)

Turkey vulture flying off with a road-kill squirrel, watched by a black vulture.

Turkey vulture flying off with a road-kill squirrel, watched by a black vulture.