Barred Owls 2015

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Barred Owls 2015 — 2,483 Comments

  1. 3 of 6.
    Earthworms/nightcrawlers were immediately eaten, rare that I could get a photo. Einstein is too cute and looking happy to take the food..

  2. 2 of 6. Caterpillar of some sort. Sometimes the owlets seems to grimace at the adults food choices. Recalling when Luna didn’t always look excited to get frogs from her Noche.

  3. Timeless Beauty.

    Didn’t record the date and time of this photo, but it is close to
    the 5/29 date looking at the trees. Also by the bright colors, an uncloudy day.

    Plan is to group adult owl photos later, but felt this image belongs here. Also, note that most times I do not adjust color to try to keep the photos close as possible to the date and time when taken. Sometimes add or remove tint mainly if the feathers look off colored.

  4. 4 of 4. Pretty.

    From 5/29 at 7:40AM

    (original size)

    Liking the grip on the perch pole.

  5. 3 of 4. Beautiful sight.

    Decided to allow a bit of a blurr to show a closer look.
    Wow, they are gorgeous.

  6. Adult always watching. (arrow) Will add 4 photos from the visit.
    Sun, clouds and time of day gives different looks to the area.

    All three are either perched and/or in the nest box on this date.
    This image and the next three are from 5/29/2015/

  7. Adding more photos. Still, they will be out of sequence order and comments will describe the activities and actions. They may have scientific information and/or simply be too cute to pass by without sharing.

    It’s been a fantastic 2015 season and it’s time to put photos in files.
    Stop back and look for old additions.
    We can always hope for a fly by visit soon, Enjoy.

  8. Since the young owls have actually all reached 7 weeks of age now, they each should have some experiencing of flying short distances by now. I imagine it’s a sight to see.

  9. Today, the young owls have reached or passed 6 weeks of age. They seem to be like clockwork when it came to egg to hatch, hatch to fledge and now is the time when they will learn to fly.

    To the best of my knowledge, young owls begin flight at 6 weeks.

    Tesla is 44 days old today.
    Newton is 43 days old today.
    Einstein is 42 days old today.

    May be that they will visit the nest box area and be spotted.

  10. 4 of 4.
    Cam op catches the live action and follows young owl back on the ground. Young owl manages to get safely to nearby tree and climb.
    Too cute. In all seriousness, it is a necessity to have the ability to get up off the ground and fast as possible.

    Young owl makes it back up the tree, time permitting later today , I will add the action shots of the climb.

  11. 3 of 4.
    Can this be the reason for all the adult fly-by’s and both owlets
    dropping to the ground.

  12. 3 of 4.
    As the young owls just returned to the ground. May be for the second time in their lives, the adult/s were very protective. I imagine not much would get passed them, for example, this bird seen flying in the area, being chased by adult/adults.

    Unsure if this is the reason the owlets went to the ground. But, seems
    a lot of activity was happening prior to them both dropping down.

  13. 3 of 4.
    As the young owls return to the ground. May be for the second time in their lives, the adult/s were very protective. I imagine not much would get passed them, for example, a suspect bluejay.

    Once I saw the bluish color wings my first thought was it was an owlet flying, but realized they are too young to fly that well. Went back and was able to find a more clear image. This is the reason the adults were flying so quickly through the trees.

    I say suspect bluejay because adult was chasing it.

  14. 2 of 4.

    In between the first drop and the second, an adult or possibly two were flying very quickly through the trees. Only managed one image when adult landed on a branch and took a quick look around. Difficult to see, but top of adults head is visible.

  15. 1 of 4. Actually this young owl dropped to the ground minutes before the other. So, both were very close together up high and seems brave young owl attempted to follow within minutes. Nice.

  16. As I went through the images, it occurred to me, there had been an un-noted flurry of activity going on.

    Prior to upside down owlet safely dropping to the ground at about 6:01pm, just prior to that another owlet dropped to the ground in the farthest right of view at about 5:47pm.

    Also noted, as the branches were swaying a lot, got a glimpse of an adult flying back and forth in the trees and then realized the adult was chasing someone away. Photos coming next.

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